

HL7 Australia Announces the Appointment of New Board Members and Chair 

Brisbane, 22 August 2024. HL7 Australia announced today the appointment of two new members to the board of directors.  

David Rowlands replaces Dr Isobel Frean as HL7 Australia Chair and Dr. Andy Bond joins the board. Dr Frean remains on the board as a non-executive director. Mr Rowlands and Dr Bond replace David Pare and Clinton Hart. 

Dr Frean said “I have been honoured to serve as Chair for the past three years and in that time to have earned the trust and support of the HL7 Australia community. I am proud of every volunteer member of the board. Together we have positioned HL7 as up to the job of supporting the pace and development of interoperability standards required to help grow and transform Australia’s healthcare system. As a continuing member of the board, I look forward to furthering the effectiveness of standards development community.” 

Mr Rowlands is a health and informatics veteran who led the development of A Health Interoperability Standards Development, Maintenance and Management Model for Australia in 2020 and of the Australian FHIR Management Framework in 2023. He is also on the board of WentWest Ltd, which provides the Primary Health Network (PHN) in Western Sydney, and has served on the boards of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH), and aged care and child health service providers. He is a Fellow and Honorary Life Member of the AIDH, an Associate Fellow of the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM) and a Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA). 

Dr Bond is a digital health architect with experience across government and industry as a history of standards contributions through HL7 Australia, Standards Australia IT-014, as well as HL7 International. He is an interoperability architect at Magentus Pty Ltd with a focus on their growing interoperability investment in FHIR-based partnerships. He brings a focus on a sustainable investment in FHIR through a lens of industry as well as a strong belief in the power of a FHIR community working openly together. 

“I look forward to supporting Australia’s vibrant and growing HL7 community during the modernisation of Australia’s health sector,” said Mr Rowlands. “Patient-centred care that addresses the complex care Australians require simply cannot be delivered without the safe, reliable and rapid movement of clinical and other information, and HL7 standards, particularly FHIR, developed openly and transparently, are central to that.”  


About HL7 Australia 

HL7 Australia is a membership-based, not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee that exists to facilitate the adoption of digital health in Australia by promoting the effective use of standards and products developed by HL7 International and supporting their enhancement to meet local needs. 


For all Media enquiries contact: 

Florence Tan 

HL7 Australia Marketing  

Email: florence.wytan@hl7.com.au 

Website: www.hl7.com.au 


View the Media Release as a PDF here.