
Notice of General Meeting of Members Tuesday 31 May 2022

Pursuant to clauses 20.1 and 23 of the Constitution and Part 2G.2 of the Corporations Act, notice is hereby given that a general meeting of Members of HL7 Australia Limited will be held using web-based videoconference technology at 3:30 pm (AEST) on Tuesday, 31 May 2022. The purpose of the general meeting is to consider, […]

Are cloud APIs safe? How can we be sure?

1 December 2021 Grahame Grieve hosted hosted White Hat (ethical hacker) and author of Playing with FHIR, Alissa Knight, and John Moerhke, Co-chair of the HL7 International Security Work Group, for a panel discussion on hacking FHIR APIs, the responses to it, and what we should learn about API and App security. To view the recording […]

Inaugural TransTasman HL7 FHIR Connectathon

If you missed our inaugural, joint HL7 FHIR trans-Tasman connectathon on 23-24 November 2021, you can view the track activities, access tools and resources by signing up (its free) to the HL7 Australia confluence site here.

SMART Health Card Webinar

On 5 October 2021 we hosted a webinar about SMART Health Cards framework, which is an existing implemented specification, involving HL7 FHIR Resources, that can be used to represent covid vaccination status in Australia. The event provided an opportunity to hear from members of the Verifiable Clinical Information consortium about how growing numbers of organisations are […]