
Media Release: HL7 Australia announces new Board Members and Chair

 MEDIA RELEASE  HL7 Australia Announces the Appointment of New Board Members and Chair  Brisbane, 22 August 2024. HL7 Australia announced today the appointment of two new members to the board of directors.   David Rowlands replaces Dr Isobel Frean as HL7 Australia Chair and Dr. Andy Bond joins the board. Dr Frean remains on the board […]

2024 July Latest Updates from Hl7 Australia Chair, Dr Isobel Frean

As we head into the second half of 2024, we can reflect on the enormous gains and delivery achievements we have made. Interoperability is almost a household word and conversations about the Sparked FHIR Accelerator and FHIR occur without the need for an interpreter! I want to share with you, the HL7 Australia community, some […]

HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand Debrief on HL7 International Jan 2024 WGM

8 February 2024: Australian & New Zealand experiences of the January  2024 HL7 Virtual Working Group Meeting (WGM)  2024  Joint HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand webinar  The purpose of this free webinar is for HL7 AU & NZ members and interested individuals to hear from the Australian and New Zealand delegates attending the 29 […]

Media Release: FHIR Accelerator Program

“Sparked to Life”: Australia’s bold step towards streamlined digital healthcare with new national FHIR accelerator program 25th August 2023 – An Australian-first FHIR accelerator, Sparked, has been launched in Brisbane, which aims to deliver a core set of FHIR standards for use in Australian settings over the next two years, developed by and for the […]

Upcoming: 26 May 2023 Australian & New Zealand experiences of the May 2023 HL7 International Working Group Meeting (WGM) in New Orleans, USA

2023  Joint HL7 Australia & HL7 New Zealand webinar – Mark your calendars!   Follow us on Linkedin to get the latest update when we update more speaker information. Save this webinar link into your calendar: https://hl7-au.zoom.us/j/85458435456?pwd=dlRFM0FnUFhDdHUxdGMrY1dHdEZMUT09 The purpose of this free webinar is for HL7 AU & NZ members and interested individuals to hear […]

PULSE IT: Free FHIR training to ignite drive towards interoperability: ADHA

Read the full article on here: https://www.pulseit.news/australian-digital-health/free-fhir-training-to-ignite-drive-towards-interoperability-adha/   The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) has partnered with HL7 Australia to support a series of free training courses in the Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard, aiming to rapidly upskill the software developer community to fast-track the march towards interoperability. The partners have set a target […]

Events Calendar 2023

Click here to get to our Events Calendar What type of events are there to join? Connectathons A HL7 FHIR Connectathon is a collaborative event, usually focused on developing FHIR specifications for specific healthcare use cases and can include the development of: Profiles, Resources, Operations Implementation Guides Workflows Each use case is referred to as […]